Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Anti Emo Thread: "emo Sucks, None Of You Understand Emo Like I Do, Stop your whining, none of you have real problems, etc."

Planning on posting a thread like this? Please reconsider, all of us pathetic emos already understand that we have no right to whine about our insignificant or imaginary problems, I'm afraid that, should we be reminded of this highly depressing fact but once more, the pain could get to be simply too much to endure and we might all be forced to kill ourselves.
That is all.

But seriously, we get it, we've been told time and again, despite already clearly understanding what is meant by 'emo'. Those who believe emo to be some sort of defining aspect of their character, unique to them, are most definitely in the repressed minority here, and even where they are concerned, your efforts to make them re-evaluate their 'unacceptable' lives will fall on deaf ears. This forum is not devoted to ungrateful, self-important teenagers, it's instead frequented by people who are simply interested in the emo trend or music, or a number who've grown out of an emo phase. The vast majority of us don't consider ourselves 'emo', so any attempt to make us come to our senses or something similar, really is going to waste, your time and energy could certainly probably be put to better use.

Though feel free to make a civilised thread, of sorts, expressing your opinions on 'emo'. I think you'll find that many of us will agree with you.
Many thanks for not irritating us with obnoxious, cantankerous, boring and repetitive threads about how pathetic/[other pejorative] emo is.